EcoRic Protection
PRODUCT ADVICE: [email protected]
The drug based on the bacterial strains Bacillus Subtilis is a contact action biofungicide to combat a complex of diseases:
- Protects plants from most fungal and bacterial pathogens (powdery mildew, Septoria, scab, late blight, blackleg, root rot, rust disease, fusarium);
- Strengthens plant immunity;
- Increases soil biological activity;
- Suppresses accumulated pathogens;
- Enriches the soil with organic substances;
- Processes plant residues into organic acids;
- Increases the absorption of mineral fertilizers;
- Promotes an increase in the humus layer of the soil;
- Increases the availability of nutrients from the soil;
- Stimulates plant growth and development.
- Suppresses stress from the use of chemical protective equipment.
Application rates:
Presowing: Seeds, tubers, bulbs, etc.: 0.5-1.5 l / ton
Seedlings roots: 1: 100
Leaf: cereals, rice, cotton, soybeans, legumes, oilseeds, etc. (3-4 applications: seedlings, intensive growth, crop formation, crop ripening): 1-2 l / ha
Compatible with mineral fertilizers and most pesticides, EXCEPTION OF BACTERICIDES OF FIRST ACTION (use is possible 5-7 days after their use)
When preparing tank mixtures, dissolve this drug last.