Properties of the drug:
Universal microbiological fertilizer based on the Bacillus subtilis strain BR 1256 with fungicidal and bactericidal properties. Suitable for any plants. It is used in any phase from seeds to fruiting.
- provides initial protection of seeds, increases their germination and germination rate;
- stimulates the growth and development of plants through the production of biologically active substances;
- intensifies the process of photosynthesis and increases plant immunity;
- promotes the absorption of forms of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) that are difficult for plants to access;
- improves development and increases the absorption capacity of the plant root system.
- actively suppresses phytopathogens, activates natural beneficial microflora and enzymatic activity of the soil;
Active ingredient (according to ISO): Bacillus subtilis BR 1256 + metabolites obtained during strain cultivation
Concentration (titer): 1 x 1012 CFU/g powder;
Instructions for use on private farms
Dilute 5 grams of powder, mix thoroughly in 1.5 liters of warm (35-40 Cº), settled (at least 24 hours) water and add 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Let it brew for 48 hours in a dark place, avoiding direct sunlight.
Examples of preparing a working preparation depending on the required volume:
– Add 1 tbsp to 2 liters of standing (at least 24 hours) water. spoon of concentrate and stir well before use.
– Add 3 tbsp to 10 liters of standing (at least 24 hours) water. spoons of concentrate and stir well before use.
You can work with any convenient sprayer or watering can. It is advisable to use the finished concentrate within 6 months. Store unused concentrate in a dark place, avoiding direct sunlight.
Instructions for use in large farms:
Stage 1: Fill the sprayer tank with water to 50% of the planned filling and add the drug at the rate of consumption per 1 ha, depending on the crop.
Step 2: Turn on the stirrer / start stirring the solution
Stage 3: Add all drugs used according to the technology. Stir until completely dissolved
Step 4: Fill the tank to full capacity. Stir for 5 minutes.
Step 5: Continue mixing the working fluid during treatments to maintain solution homogeneity